Bestseller Magic

Dive into Theodora Taylor's Bestseller Magic course and transform your writing.

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The Universal Fantasy ™ Book Has Already Helped Thousands of New and Established Authors...

• Write books they KNOW readers will LOVE with clarity, intention and JOY.
• Hit the Top 100 for the entire Kindle Store
• Make WAY MORE MONEY than this course cost.
• Become way more popular and attract new readers who want to buy their stories.


"About the UF book --I devoured this book because I have always had hit or miss reviews and didn't know how to fix the problem. After adding butter, I've consistently hit reader expectations. I'm also convinced the book helped put my first indie book above those I wrote for trad contracts. My only negative? I wish I'd read the book sooner!

About the UF course--I did the course at my own pace [...}, and it helped take my understanding of UF from basic to the next level within weeks. I'm incorporating the concepts in my current WIP, and I'm already enjoying the writing process more, getting kudos for the blurb, and finding the butter to slather in marketing materials *before* the book is done. A huge thanks to T. Taylor!"

Luna Joy

The SOLD OUT Live Universal Fantasy ™ Course is now in the self-guided Bestseller Magic Course

PLEASE NOTE: The majority of the hundreds of writers we surveyed for testimonials, said that they made MORE MONEY than this course cost--just by reading the FREE BOOK that comes with it when you ENROLL TODAY!

Reviews for the career-changing
7 FIGURE FICTION Universal Fantasy ™ Book!

“I read 7 Figure Fiction, implemented the strategies in the next book I wrote, and hit #1 in the entire Amazon store with it.

This wasn’t a coincidence.

7 Figure Fiction changed my storytelling for the better, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

USA Today and #1 Amazon Bestselling Author Pippa Grant

“I definitely wasn't aware why some books did well for me and why some books failed. The moment I read TT's book, I immediately changed my writing style.

It paid off in a big way.

My release post reading her book gave my debut pen name a far bigger launch than any release under my main pen name. I got 4x the preorders and 5x the sales (maybe more).

This may not be a big feat for some authors, but it really changed my writing for the better, that I plan to start over and keep up with the things I learned from her book! I was able to gain 200 ratings on Amazon faster than any other release, even ones that sold decently. It was only because of how marketable the book was that I achieved this!”

G.L. Thomas

“After reading Theodora Taylor's Universal Fantasy book, I asked my long-time critique partner to look at my blurb, and she saw an immediate difference. No longer did I wa-wa about the story. I jumped in with the stuff that hits people in the clicky finger! ”

Sylvie Haas

“After I read the universal fantasy book, a lot of things started to click for me. Sometimes I was adding things like butter unconsciously, because I learned from reading other books. But now I am able to add it into all of my other books going forward, and it has really helped change how I think about the drafting and outlining process. Highly recommend for authors regardless of your current status or how much your books sell. ”

Ella Mae

“Since reading about Universal Fantasies, I have been able to advance my career as an author. Before I was always doubting myself and wondering if my chapters were compelling. After reading the book, I was able to apply my new knowledge about ‘butter’ books and am so much more confident in my writing. I’m excited to say that since implementing my new strategy with my special ‘butters’ I have seen an increase in sales. I look forward to writing again.”

Jennifer Noseworthy

“I've always known that there were things that I personally liked to see in fiction, but I never knew that there was a word for it and that I could produce it intentionally! This book has made it possible for me to eliminate all that trial and error and go straight to characters and situations that resonate with readers.”

Nick Chase

“Being able to find and implement butter BEFORE I write my books has been invaluable to me, both in the actual writing, and also in the marketing of those books after launch, and 7 Figure Fiction game me the framework to do so. Switching to this process has boosted my sales exponentially, and I’ll never write another book without making sure it’s slathered in butter.”

Brighton Walsh

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

"Yes, I'm taking EVERY opportunity to gush. This course was so amazing in content, presentation, everything. T, you are a star, and I appreciate you so much for sharing your sparkle with us."

NYT Bestselling Author Melissa Storm


  • Course-Exclusive Printable Worksheets and the OFFICIAL BUTTER WORKBOOK

    I used to get overwhelmed and confused by butter. Not anymore! With these course-exclusive tools, you'll be able to wield W.E.B. (well-executed storytelling butter) for the rest of your writing life!

  • Visual Transcripts for Every Lesson

    I hate having to scroll through videos for the information I want to revisit. That's why I made a visual transcript for each lesson. You'll always be able to easily refer back to anything you missed or want to revisit from the course videos.

  • NO YAWN Course Guarantee

    Been burned by boring classes? No worries! Students have been GUSHING because this course is super fun AND career-changing.

Q: Who is the Bestseller Magic Course is for?

A: Writers at any stage of their career.


  • Writers who are ready to LEVEL UP.

    And make more money than this course cost on their next story.

  • Writers who live in fear that their work isn’t good enough.

    After taking this course, you'll KNOW how to HOOK readers and keep them reading until THE END.

  • Writers who HATE or get confused by marketing

    This course teaches you how to write books that market themselves and easily construct DELICIOUS BOOK DESCRIPTIONS.


  • How long will it take me to get through this course?

    If you prefer to binge like me, then you can get through the course in 6-7 full-time Days. But some students prefer taking their time with the lessons or appending them to work hours. In that case you get through the course in 25-30 days at a rate of an hour a day.

  • Is this course worth the money?

    Listen, more people than ever are jumping into the self-publishing pool. I teach you tools that will set you apart from the rapidly-expanding crowd. Between short attention spans and increasing ad costs, learning how to write books that market themselves has never been more important.

    The real question is...with the state of the publishing industry right now, can you afford NOT to take this valuable class?

    I love that I don't have to worry about recessions or seeming threats like Authors with AI. My stories are perennial sellers that new readers from all sorts of backgrounds find every day.

    NOW is the best time to FUTURE PROOF your stories against increased competition and industry changes.

  • What sets this course apart from other writing courses?

    Here's the dirty secret of writing courses. Most commercially successful writers can only teach you to gain industry success the exact same way they did--regardless of your personality type and background. They're not good teachers if you can't clone them and their writing systems.

    And sadly, most good teachers aren't commercially successful writers. That's why many spectacular-but-non-commercially-successful writing teachers offer courses steeped in structure--often without mention of commercial success.

    And, that's why many commercially successful writers teach courses around being consistent, meeting readers' expectations, being parasocial, and writing to market. For the record, this is actually GREAT ADVICE, and I highly recommend taking it...if you can. But if you can't sit still in one genre...if you get blue when you can't write the kind of stories you want to write without fear of flopping...if your marketing and social media game isn't top-notch, then this is the course for you.<

  • Is this another class on covering structure and writing to market? I've taken SO MANY of those.

    Bestseller Magic isn't a structure class for baby writers. It's also not a lecture about writing consistently to market.

    This is a grown-up course that teaches you how to SERVE stories that connect with an audience.

    And it's taught by a niche author who supports her family of five by writing genre-hopping stories that market themselves and easily attract readers outside of her original target audience. I'm not just commercially successful, I made it to the top 10 in the entire Kindle store with a niche-category book and a low 4-figure ad spend.

    This course doesn't just teach you how I did what I did. It teaches you to figure out the value of your own work and write books that market themselves. I won't try to change you or what you write. This course meets you where you're at, and levels you up beyond your competition.

Sound Good? Then sign up to become a Bestseller Magic Writer today!


"Not only did the Bestseller Magic teach me to watch movies and television shows in a new way, It helped me look at my writing in a new way."

Deanna Rowe

A Word From T. Taylor:

“Authors tell me all the time that my book made writing fun for them again and that it reminded them of why they became storytellers in the first place. I want to help you craft compelling, irresistible tales that both you and your readers will enjoy.”